
Titan Lenders Corp Announces Patent for Cerberyx Mortgage Fulfillment Services Platform

DENVER, Colo. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Mortgage fulfillment outsource services expert, Titan Lenders Corp (TLC), a partner in Cerberyx LLC with eSys Technologies, LLC is pleased to announce the issuance of U.S. Patent 7,707,153 (other patent pending) related to the Cerberyx (CBX) web-based automated workflow platform. The CBX platform supports and makes possible a full suite of fulfillment services, including: closing, funding, post-closing, quality control, purchase review for correspondents and purchasing investors, asset review for warehouse lenders, trailing documents, MERs management, FHA insuring, and document management (imaging).

“To say that we are pleased that this patent has been granted is an understatement,” said TLC president Mary Kladde. “This patent affirms our decision to focus on building out a comprehensive mortgage fulfillment platform that serves the industry’s need for precision loan level quality production coupled with 100% visibility that encourages 100% accountability.”

Co-developed with eSys Technologies in the practical laboratory of a high volume closing and post-closing environment, CBX executes operational efficiencies both through accountability and transparency. CBX flexible rules-based architecture allows TLC clients to define field level decision trees, priorities, checklists and process management specific to an investor product variance or a cross-investor and cross-warehouse line climate. The platform links the people, processes and data in a mortgage transaction and fills the gap between origination and post closing.

“When combined with Titan’s unrivaled expertise and perfectionism, Cerberyx dramatically compresses the time and money it takes to process a mortgage through closing and sale,” Kladde explained. “Best practice execution and its superior automation enable TLC to truncate post-closing processes, which in turn accelerates investor transactions and shortens warehouse line turn times.”

Cerberyx is the evolution of a software technology application developed to replace manual processes required to manage the lender’s participation in closing and post-closing functions. As a business solution, the software was developed in a closing and post-closing division servicing multiple lenders, investors, warehouse lines, and lending business channels. It addresses the needs of all users in the transaction, providing accountability, visibility, efficiency and ease of use while never losing sight of the end goal: loan salability. Flexible to client requirements, Cerberyx dramatically cuts FTE requirements while enhancing quality loan production.

About Titan Lenders Corp:

Titan Lenders Corp ( is one of a specialized few providers of mortgage back office fulfillment services, a not-well-understood facet of mortgage lending that includes closing, funding, and post closing services. Community banks, credit unions, mortgage bankers and brokers use outsource providers strategically to minimize compliance risks in a time-sensitive error-averse environment. Fluctuations in mortgage lending volume also lead some lenders outsource their entire back office operation and secure predictable “per transaction” pricing rather than maintaining an inflexible static in house staff.

About eSys Technologies, LLC:

eSys Technologies ( is a Rochester, NY-based business to business solution provider focused on facilitating and optimizing the entire residential mortgage closing process in both traditional paper-based and evolving electronic-based forms, and the secure transfer of data between specified parties. Development efforts based on over 30 years experience in residential mortgage lending and legal software solution programming began in December, 1997 to meet the needs for a process management and document production system capable of handling the most complex mortgage lending processing. The eSys(R) family of Centerware products encompasses computer software for process management and tracking, closing services coordination, administrative auto-reporting, process status auto-notification, issues management and tracking, regulatory compliance enforcement, electronic document archiving, data collection, data exchange, document production, and life of transaction history.

News Source: Titan Lenders Corp

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