
Get Long Term Care Insurance Now, Before Health Reform, Industry Leader Says on Sky Radio

KIRKLAND, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Beginning this Fall, business and personal travelers will hear a critical message in the nation’s airports and a major airline’s flights: “Don’t wait for health reform to buy long term care insurance; if you need it now, as millions do, there’s much to lose if you delay.” This warning will be delivered in a four and a half minute recorded interview of Denise Gott, Chairman of the Board of LTC Financial Partners LLC (LTCFP) — — one of the nation’s largest and most experienced long-term care insurance agencies.

Among Gott’s key points:

– If health reform includes a public option for long term care insurance, it will not replace the need for private LTC insurance for most people who now seek it, because the benefits will probably be too low and the waiting period too long.

– If Congress passes additional tax incentives for purchasing LTC insurance, these will be additive to those already in place, so waiting for legislation serves no purpose.

– One’s health seldom improves over time, so waiting can be risky; get coverage while you’re still fit enough to qualify.

– If you insure without delay you lock in a lower-rate premium, a sound investment.

– Waiting to insure carries unrealized risks for working-age Americans, because longer-lasting illnesses or injuries afflict many people in their prime years — 18 through 64 — not just older people.

A preview of the recorded broadcast is available at .

Gott’s organization offers help from over 550 independent long term care agents. They’re available by phone or in person to advise individuals and companies on the most suitable policies from leading insurance companies. A listing of LTCFP’s agents, by state, is available at .

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News Source: LTC Financial Partners LLC


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