
New Book Helps Women Find Peace and Happiness after Abusive Male Relationship

CANTON, Ohio (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A Step Beyond Publishing announces its first non-fiction, controversial book: “I Apologize to All Women in the World – From Man” (ISBN: 978-0-9799724-0-9). The author, Billy Prowell, inspires women to accept their roles as dignified creations of God and to reject the assumed role, imposed by men, of indentured servant.

This new book provides readers with a process to heal and inspires the wounded to rebuild their lives without harboring hatred in their hearts.

Through a series of steps women will learn how to confront, forgive and define their sense of self. These steps will provide them with the strength to move on with their lives and to improve their moral and spiritual well-being.

“I Apologize to All Women in the World – From Man” redefines the roles of women and men in society.

Through thought-provoking letters and 11 different relationship examples, readers will gain insight into the egotistic behaviors of men and the gullibility of women.

The author contends that these qualities foster destructive behaviors which deter men and women from bonding emotionally. After reading this controversial book, male readers will question their manhood, and women readers will be inspired to admire their emotional strength while simultaneously questioning their sanity and naivete.

The author maintains that man has, consciously and semi-consciously, abused woman verbally, emotionally, physically and even sexually with little or no remorse since the beginning of time.

Man’s egotism stems from a lack of knowledge of God, woman and himself. It is improbable that man will understand woman without first understanding God and then himself.

There is, however, an ethnically-diverse group of men who understand God, themselves and woman. These men have psychologically elevated above the barbaric, egotistic, ignorant and prideful man. These men have come to terms with the fact that their old actions were abnormal, disrespectful and demoralizing to women. These men have rehabilitated themselves and offer a heartfelt apology to all women in the world who have been abused in any manner by a man.

About A Step Beyond Publishing:

A Step Beyond Publishing is a Christian-based book and DVD publishing company that focuses on empowering women to rise above abusive and intrusive relationships – platonic, romantic and paternal. The company also works to enlighten men about who they are and what their real purpose is on earth.

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News Source: A Step Beyond Publishing

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