
Rexin-G® Nano Particles Target Metastatic Cancers

SAN MARINO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Epeius Biotechnologies’ Rexin-G is the world’s smallest hero. Imagine if you will, a tiny particle that can travel freely within the human body seeking out cancerous tissues and metastatic tumors that have spread far and wide. Imagine an entire army of these tiny nano-particles seeking out and accumulating to high concentrations within the flagrant, otherwise intractable tumors with one goal in mind: to destroy the metastatic cancers from the inside. Guided by nature’s own disease-seeking factors (i.e., pathotropic targeting), armed with a powerful tumor-killing designer gene, and trained in the art of efficient gene delivery over aeons of evolutionary engineering, these tiny therapeutic particles represent a new paradigm in drug delivery and a new class of anti-cancer agents that exhibit profound and unprecedented single-agent efficacy in many cancers.

Epeius BiotechBy selectively targeting cancers and their associated blood supply, while sparing normal cells and healthy tissues, these tiny nano-particles are inherently “smart.” In performing a vital cancer surveillance function, they are uniformly “vigilant.” By taking on a broad spectrum of cancers that are determined to be refractory to standard chemotherapy (i.e., ineffectual apothecary), they are exceedingly “valiant.” By reducing the cancer patient’s body burden and extending overall survival, they are truly “heroic.” In a manner of speaking, these tiny nano-particles may well be the smallest heroes in all the world.

These “heroic” qualities are now embodied in the tumor-targeted anti-cancer agent, Rexin-G, developed by Epeius Biotechnologies. Rexin-G is currently approved for the treatment of all solid chemo-resistant tumors in the Republic of the Philippines. It has recently been granted Orphan Drug Status and market protections for three separate cancer indications by the U.S. FDA.

Ongoing clinical trials in the U.S. have established the thresholds for bioactivity and the dose-dependent efficacy of Rexin-G, as well as its overall safety and lack of any dose-limiting toxicity. Recent advanced and confirmatory clinical trials in the U.S. have demonstrated single-agent efficacy, which included both progression-free survival and overall survival. Not bad, for the world’s smallest unsung hero.

For further information about Rexin-G, high-performance targeting technologies, and/or new products in development, see

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